6 Simple Tips to Help Reduce Your Cancer Risk


随着秋天的到来,天气变冷,我们的思绪转向舒适的毛衣和南瓜味的零食. 在忙碌的夏季活动之后, 秋天是回归日常生活、把注意力转回到健康上来的好时机. 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 世界各地的十大彩票网赌平台组织为期一个月的努力,以提高人们对乳腺癌研究的认识和资金. 当十月开始, 粉红色似乎无处不在, 为慈善机构, 公司, 和 even governments shine a spotlight on this devastating disease.

你可能知道有人以这样或那样的方式受到乳腺癌的影响, 和 you might wonder if there is anything you can do to help lower your own risk. 

Although breast 十大彩票网赌平台 is the most common 十大彩票网赌平台 in women in the United States, 除了皮肤癌[1], 好消息是,我们有6个简单的步骤可以帮助你保护自己免受许多十大彩票网赌平台的侵害, 包括乳腺癌.

1 .阅读成分标签

You probably read the ingredients on your food labels, but do you read the ingredients on your personal care products, 化妆品, 清洁十大彩票网赌平台? 这些十大彩票网赌平台, which come in contact with your skin or drift into the air you breathe, can contain ingredients that can harm your health or even cause 十大彩票网赌平台. 

说到清洁十大彩票网赌平台, you might not realize that there’s no federal oversight of ingredients. There isn’t even a federal requirement to disclose ingredients in these products, 尽管许多传统的清洁十大彩票网赌平台含有致癌化学物质和其他危险成分.[2] 

Fortunately, there are br和s that do list their ingredients 在标签上. 从这些公司购买十大彩票网赌平台可以为你提供所需的信息,帮助保护你的健康,避免致癌化学物质. 在ECOS, we list every ingredient on our labels, 就像 the plant-derived surfactants 和 enzyme stain removers in our liquidless ECOS洗衣粉床单.

 我们还在网站上分享了十大彩票网赌平台危险清洁十大彩票网赌平台成分的详细信息,以及它们如何影响你的健康. 我们的 “有害物质”列表, the 500 toxic ingredients we promise to never use in our ECOS products, can help you learn what to look out for when you shop.

寻找对你的健康和环境更安全的清洁十大彩票网赌平台的另一个好方法是寻找 “安全选择”标志 在标签上. “更安全的选择”标志意味着美国食品安全协会.S. 环境保护署已经认证每一种成分都是同类中最安全的, 十大彩票网赌平台效果很好, 该公司正在不断创新更可持续的包装.[3]150种ECOS十大彩票网赌平台 是经过认证的更安全的选择,使您可以轻松地为家中的每个角落找到更安全的清洁剂.


So you’ve checked your food labels for artificial coloring, 反式脂肪, 添加糖, but have you thought about the wrapper your food came in? 

Some food packaging can have a coating made with “forever 化学物质,” named because of how long they stay in the environment, which prevent grease 和 liquids from soaking through. 这些化学物质, including perfluoroalkyl 和 polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), have been linked to certain 十大彩票网赌平台s 和 other health problems.[4]

那么如何避免PFAS化学物质呢? 第一步是了解它们最有可能在哪里被发现——在快餐和外卖盒里, 袋, 和包装器. By limiting how often you eat fast foods, 你可以在减少脂肪摄入的同时减少与这些致癌化学物质的接触, 盐, 糖, 和 excess calories too – a win-win for your health. 

 PFAS can also be found in water-repellent clothing 和 stain-resistant carpeting, so consider limiting your exposure to those items. 此外,这是一个好主意 测试自来水 for PFAS 和 use a water filter if the PFAS level is high.

Another chemical to stay away from in food packaging is bisphenol A (BPA). 在一些塑料帽中发现, 金属罐涂层, 以及其他与食物接触的物质, 双酚a会扰乱荷尔蒙系统, 尤其是婴儿和儿童. Some animal studies have shown a possible connection to breast 十大彩票网赌平台, 尽管还需要更多的人体研究.[5]

你可以通过使用标有不含双酚a的十大彩票网赌平台或使用玻璃来减少BPA的暴露, 瓷, 或者用不锈钢容器来盛放热的食物和液体,而不是塑料容器. Because heat can increase the amount of BPA that transfers into foods 和 drinks, don’t put plastic containers in the microwave or dishwasher, 尽可能选择新鲜的完整水果和蔬菜,不要用塑料包装. 

When washing your reusable containers 和 dishes, be sure to avoid soaps 和 detergents that contain ethoxylated surfactants, which can leave a residue that could contain the carcinogen 1,恶烷. Avoid products that contain ingredients that end in “-eth,” 就像 laureth-6 or sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). 更安全的餐具清洁剂 ECOS洗碗皂 和  ECOS洗碗凝胶 list their ingredients 在标签上 和 don’t contain 化学物质 就像 ethoxylated surfactants, phosphates, or dyes.


当你赤脚在草地上奔跑,在公园里野餐的夏天结束时, you’ll probably find yourself spending more indoors. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider your exposure to pesticides, 用来控制昆虫的化学药品, 杂草, 还有用于园林绿化的真菌, 作物, 房屋, 和工作场所. Pesticides have been identified as a risk factor for leukemias, 脑癌, 童年淋巴瘤, 还有乳腺癌.[6],[7]

Children are at particular risk from pesticides. 儿童十大彩票网赌平台死亡率下降, 自1975年以来,儿童十大彩票网赌平台新发病例增加了34%,这一增长可能与杀虫剂等环境化学物质有关.[8]

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure to pesticides. 第一个, when choose a pesticide for your home or garden, 选择用更安全的成分制成的十大彩票网赌平台,比如精油或硅藻土.[9] Ask your child’s 学校 和 your workplace to use safer pesticides as well. 

把你白天可能接触到的杀虫剂放在室外是很重要的. 要做到这一点,最好的两个方法是在前门脱鞋和一回家就洗手. 洗手还有减少细菌的额外好处,可以帮助你预防感冒, 和流感. ECOS洗手皂 包含 plant-powered成分, so it’s a great choice for people with sensitive skin, 而且是安全选择认证的.

另一个减少接触农药的重要方法是在食用水果和蔬菜之前清洗它们. Unwashed produce can harbor not only dirt but germs 和 化学物质 from the fields. 生产洗涤十大彩票网赌平台 ECOS水果蔬菜清洗液 在去除这些污染物方面是否比用水清洗更有效.


The air you breathe can have a powerful effect on your health. 我们知道山上新鲜的空气对我们有好处,污染的城市空气对我们有害, 但到底有多糟糕?  

多项研究表明,汽车尾气中的有毒化学物质是已知的,可能的. or possible human carcinogens, or 十大彩票网赌平台-causing 化学物质. 几个, 包括1,三丁基, 苯, 和甲醛, 已知白血病的病因有哪些, 一种十大彩票网赌平台, 而且,与交通相关的空气污染与儿童白血病之间的关联证据确凿.[10] 研究还表明,较高浓度的交通污染物会增加患乳腺癌的风险.[11]

然而,我们不能总是因为我们生活或工作的地方而改变我们暴露在交通污染中的程度, 我们可以支持那些为减少汽车排放和增加清洁能源解决方案而斗争的组织, 就像 increasing the number of electric cars, 卡车, 和 buses 和 creating cleaner sources of power 就像 solar 和 wind energy.


You know that outdoor air pollution can harm your health, but did you know that indoor air pollution can harm your health too? 事实上, 室内空气污染可能是室外污染的两到五倍,甚至高达100倍.[12] Because most of us spend about 90 percent of our time indoors, that can mean a higher risk of health problems, 包括十大彩票网赌平台. 

清洁十大彩票网赌平台, 油漆, 溶剂是家庭室内空气污染的三个最常见的来源, 学校, 和工作. 这些十大彩票网赌平台 can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), gases that can cause short- 和 long-term health problems.[13]

传统的喷雾清洁剂,如窗户和表面清洁剂,会释放出氨等化合物, 氯气, 和 quaternary ammonium compounds (QUATs) into the air, damaging your eyes 和 lungs 和 increasing the risk of asthma 和 allergies.[14] Some cleaning products contain phthalates or ethanolamines, which have been linked to increased risks for 十大彩票网赌平台.[15]

帮助保持室内健康, make sure all the household cleaning products you use are 安全的选择 certified, 就像 ECOS万能清洁剂ECOS窗户清洁剂. 要求你孩子的学校和工作场所使用安全选择认证的十大彩票网赌平台来清洁,比如 ECOS Pro商用清洁剂. 



As you look out at the sea of pink products during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 不要认为它们对你的健康更安全,也不要认为它们支持乳腺癌研究. 不幸的是, 许多公司想让你认为他们做的对你的健康和十大彩票网赌平台社区有好处,只是因为他们在标签上放了一个粉红色的丝带.

就像一些公司使用“天然”或“无毒”这样的字眼,让你认为他们的十大彩票网赌平台对你的健康和环境更好, 这是一种被称为“洗绿”的伎俩,” so too do some 公司 try to capitalize on your concerns about 十大彩票网赌平台.  

购买含有更安全的成分和支持乳腺癌研究的十大彩票网赌平台是一个伟大的方式让你的家, 我们的世界, 更健康的地方, but doing research before you buy is a smart idea.  

Look for 公司 that partner with trusted organizations 就像 the 美国十大彩票网赌平台协会,比如ECOS. 当你购买的十大彩票网赌平台在标签上列出了成分,并使用了受人尊敬的第三方认证,比如 安全的选择, 你正在采取行动来降低患十大彩票网赌平台的风险,保护你的家人和社区的健康.


[1] http://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/about/how-common-is-breast-cancer.html

[2] http://www.bcpp.org/resource/cleaning-products/
[3] http://www.bcpp.org/resource/cleaning-products/
[4] http://www.consumerreports.org/pfas-food-packaging/dangerous-pfas-chemicals-are-in-your-food-packaging-a3786252074/
[5] http://www.bcpp.org/resource/bisphenol-a/
[6] http://www.bcpp.org/resource/pesticides-other/
[7] http://www.cancerfreeeconomy.org/childhood_cancer_prevention/
[8] http://www.cancerfreeeconomy.org/childhood_cancer_prevention/
[9] http://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/less-toxic-insecticides/
[10] http://www.cancerfreeeconomy.org/childhood_cancer_prevention/
[11] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6562828/
[12] http://www.环境保护署.gov/iaq-学校s/why-indoor-air-quality-important-学校
[13] http://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/volatile-organic-compounds-impact-indoor-air-quality
[14] http://www.ewg.org/guides/cleaners/content/cleaners_and_health/
[15] http://www.bcpp.org/resource/cleaning-products/