

Perhaps you enhance your baths with sparkling, multicolored bath bombs 和 scented salts. 或者你更喜欢简单地泡在热气腾腾的热水里. No matter your method, a bathtub 可以 be a welcome haven after a long day. 但是当你清洗浴缸的时候,你使用的方法 可以 对我们地球的健康产生重大影响.

To keep that tub in tip-top shape 和 protect the earth 和 your health as well, 使用环保的清洁技巧是很重要的 plant-powered 清洁工 不含额外有害成分.


在我们覆盖所有之前 如何清洗浴缸 basics, let’s take a quick moment to talk about what “eco-conscious cleaning” really means. 

许多十大彩票网赌平台 索赔 要有环保意识,但真相在于标签. 当你购买清洁十大彩票网赌平台时, you 可以 peruse their labels 和 ingredient lists for some key indicators that the item you’re purchasing is truly earth-friendly.


  • 可生物降解清洁配方 – Many popular cleaning products contain ingredients that take a long time to degrade, 意思是在冲洗完下水道之后, 它们会留在我们的水道里,威胁野生动物. Readily biodegradable formulas degrade much more quickly, posing less of a threat to aquatic life.
  • 无有害化学物质 – Keep an eye on that ingredients list—many 清洁工 contain harsh ingredients that 可以 irritate your eyes, 你的肺, 破坏我们的环境, 太. These harmful chemicals aren’t necessary to clean your bathtub or any other part of your home.
  • 安全选择认证 -便于识别更安全学习十大彩票网赌平台,寻找带有“安全选择”标志的十大彩票网赌平台. “更安全的选择”计划是由美国食品和药物管理局开发的.S. EPA to help consumers find cleaning products made with ingredients that are 更安全的 for your health 和 the planet.2

如果你想学习 如何清洁浴室 在某种程度上这样对你更安全,也更好 the planet, choose cleaning products made from gentle but effective, plant-powered ingredients 比如来自ECOS的那些.


洗澡通常是我们放松的时间, 点几根蜡烛, 吸入一些舒缓的气味, 然后放上我们最喜欢的歌单. But afterward, we don’t always have time to scrub our tub surface from top to bottom. 

幸运的是, there’s an easy way to keep your bathtub stain free 和 clean on the daily, 它只需要两步:

  1. 在你的浴缸表面、瓷砖、水龙头和固定装置上喷一喷 plant-powered b房间清洁器 ECOS浴室清洁剂.
  2. Allow the product to remain in the tub, if it’s part of a tub/shower combo. Your next shower will do the rest (aka, the work of rinsing the cleaner away). If you prefer, you 可以 briefly run the shower to rinse before your next bath. If you have a st和-alone tub, after spraying the faucet 和 fixtures dry them with a soft cloth.

这种方法可以帮助防止霉菌和发霉, 对抗肥皂渣, 并防止在深度清洁之间的浴缸污渍. 

So 你应该多久清洗一次浴室? 我们建议每周至少使用一次这种方法, 但是你可以随意使用它, 或者每次淋浴或沐浴后.


说你溜进了温暖, 舒缓的, 淡紫色浴, 和 just before you pick up a compelling novel to read while you soak, you may notice your bathtub is growing a little ecosystem of its own. 

幸运的是, this deep cleaning method 可以 help you banish mold 和 grime 和 shine your faucets till they look br和 new.

因为这种方法需要更长的时间, it’s best to perform when you have a little more time on your h和s. We suggest doing a deep clean once or twice a month to prevent bathtub stains but feel free to use the quick clean method in between.


Before you begin, you want to make sure that you have all your cleaning supplies within arm’s reach. 我们建议准备以下工具和用品:

  • An eco-conscious scrub brush made from compostable or organic materials
  • 软清洁布
  • A plant-powered年代然而喷雾 ECOS浴室清洁剂
  • If your tub has a glass enclosure, a vinegar-based glass cleaner like ECOS窗户清洁剂
  • A 轻度磨料表面磨砂 对抗更顽固的污渍和斑点

Once you have everything you need, you’re ready to begin your bathtub cleaning extravaganza.


Whether your bathtub features rubber duckies or exfoliating scrubs, it’s always a good idea to put any items 和 products elsewhere during your deep clean. This will keep them from being in the way of your cleaning 和 covering up any spots that need to be cleaned.

Next, either unhook your shower curtain or loop it over the curtain rod so that it’s out of your way. 检查你的淋浴套是否有发霉的迹象. 如果你发现衬垫上有橙色或棕色的斑点, you 可以 toss it into the wash while you clean or include it in your cleaning process below. (别担心,我们也会详细说明如何做到这一点.)


Our bathtubs 和 showers 可以 do an incredible job of making us sparkling clean. 但它们也能承受大量的肥皂渣, 污迹, 在这个过程中,尤其是墙壁和瓷砖上的污垢. 这就是你 更安全的 淋浴喷头 会派上用场.

To return your shower walls to their beautiful selves, you should:

  1. 用清洁剂彻底地喷洒墙壁.
  2. 让清洁十大彩票网赌平台静置几分钟.
  3. 用柔软的清洁布轻轻擦拭污渍.
  4. 用湿布把墙壁擦干净.
  5. 重新喷一遍,擦去顽固的污渍.


If your bathtub’s shower curtain also needs a little TLC, spray it with ECOS一步消毒液 此时此刻. Allow the product to sit on the liner for 10 minutes 和 then wipe it (和 any mildew) away with a cleaning cloth.

如果你有一个玻璃淋浴或浴缸的外壳,然后转向 ECOS窗户清洁剂 而不是. This vinegar-based formula will remove the dirt 和 grime from your glass shower 和 leave you with a crystal clear clean. Simply spray this solution onto the glass surface 和 wipe with a clean cloth.


Once you’ve cleaned your walls, it’s time to make that tub sparkle. 因为浴缸是淋浴的最低点, 这是一个十大赌博官方正规网址的地方积累某些东西,例如:

  • 白垩状或砂砾状的皂渣
  • 橙色霉
  • 红色或褐色硬水渍

You 可以 make your work easier by choosing a slightly more abrasive cleaner at this step. 寻找一种使用的洗面奶更安全的成分它有超强的擦洗力,就像 ECOS表面擦洗.


  1. Apply a dab of your cream cleanser onto a clean cloth 和 work it into the tub’s surface.
  2. Use a sponge, cleaning brush, or an old 太thbrush to scrub at the more stubborn stains.
  3. 用清洁布擦去剩余的清洁剂.
  4. 如果需要,在较硬的污渍上重复.
  5. 彻底冲洗浴缸.

一旦你洗掉了浴缸里那些顽固的污渍, splash a little water around to remove the remaining cleaning product. 最后一步,拿一瓶 ECOS万能清洁剂 检查是否有任何残留的斑点或污迹. A quick spray 和 wipe of this easy-to-use all-purpose cleaner will help you put the finishing touches on your bathtub’s deep clean.


For a bathtub that inspires your at-home spa days, you want to use the best, plant-powered 清洁十大彩票网赌平台要从上到下擦洗. Keeping your bathroom cleaning routine eco-conscious 可以 give you the thorough cleaning you desire without the harsh ingredients.

在ECOS,我们制造 更安全的家庭c能完成工作的精益者. We have everything you need to keep your tub 和 bathroom clean 和 更安全的 for you 和 your family. 

For a sparkling clean bathtub without any of the nasties, try ECOS cleaning products today.


U.S. 环境保护署. 识别环保清洁十大彩票网赌平台. http://www.Environmental Protection Agency.gov/greenerproducts/identifying-greener-cleaning-products
U.S. 环境保护署. 安全的选择. http://www.Environmental Protection Agency.gov / fy safer c的choice 
房子消化. The Dangerous Truth You Need to Know 十大彩票网赌平台 Chemical Drain Cleaners. http://www.housedigest.com/485698/the-dangerous-truth-you-need-to-know-about-chemical-drain-cleaners/
科学指引. 水的硬度. http://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/water-hardness